you can never tell what someone is thinking. but what i think, you can always tell it by my face expressions. friends is not a simple thing you can find out there. they are here when uou have a blunder, here screaming when you get crazy and most of all, listens to your sad stories and advices C:

that is a whole friendship i would love to treasure (:

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


this is my malay name given by the sweet Fyra last year. yeah, just coz she has a best friend Aryana Keyes, hahaha. but then, i like this name. it sounds certainly unique :)

i have not been using this name since last year. but recently, that name has relived ! thanks to Amira Acap, ghahahahhaha. a very awesome autobot from Transformerssss ! and we won, thanks to their dear A-coach of course :p jk. such a great participant, i would say. and i wasn't surprised of Amira's first impression of me, looking like a Malay. as i said, double eyelids and inherited looks.

i slept at 3 talking to Amira about things, religion mostly. it was fun to learn these things, and Amira sure seems very independent.
so yeah, i'm getting to learn lots of chinese now, and some basic Farsi ;)

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