you can never tell what someone is thinking. but what i think, you can always tell it by my face expressions. friends is not a simple thing you can find out there. they are here when uou have a blunder, here screaming when you get crazy and most of all, listens to your sad stories and advices C:

that is a whole friendship i would love to treasure (:

Saturday, December 17, 2011

nonstop journey

these holidays had been great, really great.
prefect camp, a place where i tightened my bond with people i cherish
days with my mom, where i heard everything and felt unforgettable things with her
SKST camp, where connections starts, bonds strengthen and where my heart gets tied up
singapore, where i bursted my heart out, and losing my mind, after everything that occurred
Amie's comeback, where lost touch were relived
leadership academy, where friendship proved it meant the most in some of our hearts

i have certainly grew a lot in me. and there seems to be less heart palpitations, because i cared less. about what the community would say

back to my own square

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